Fashion Collection Management - Erogato in Inglese

Master Post Laurea di I Livello

Classe di Laurea: FOM1
Durata: 1500 ore
CFU: 60

Il master è erogato in modalità presenziale presso Accademia del Lusso – sede di Milano


The Study Programm of the Master in Fashion Collection Management aims to shape a professional who is able to penetrate the product area of fashion and luxxury goods businesses. The course curriculum teaches a general understanding of a range of business aspects as well as specific technical knowledge in the field of fashion industrial production, such as understanding patterns and fabric, and yarn technology. It also provides the skills needed to work on the product in harmony with market demands. The dynamics analysed during the course relate in general to the luxury goods sector, and significantly to the fashion sector in consideration of the specific nature of the product process related to it.


The master aims to train professional figures who posses forward-looking technical, economic, managerial, artistic-cultural, social and
communicative skills, and who can easily step into high-profile jobs within the industry.


The master is designed for those who have a university degree.
The reference job profiles are: Product Manager, Collection Manager, Fashion Coordinator, Fashion Buyer, Research Consultant, Production Technician.

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